院徽  Seminary Logo

神學院在港復校經過40年,蒙神引導於2005年開始揭開新的一頁,開始新的一章。學院採用了新的徽號,乃是將神學院名字的 「中」字以一個豎立的十字架和一本打開的「聖經」刻劃出來,藉以表達神學院 「高舉基督,表揚主道」的精神。

色彩方面則選用深棕色和灰色相配,前者代表木材,後者代表石頭,乃是以西結書 40-43 章所啟示之新聖殿所用的主要建築材料,雖然簡單純樸,神卻臨格同在,讓聖殿充滿祂的榮耀(結四十三1-5),藉以表達學院要「成為聖潔,合乎主用」的禱願。

Forty years passed after our Seminary reopened in Hong Kong.  Our Lord guided us into a new chapter in 2005.  We designed a new logo, which consists of the character ‘中’ (the first character of the name of our Seminary, ‘China 中華’) that resembles the Cross and an opened Bible.  The logo expresses our hearts’ desire: “Exalt Christ and Preach the Word!”

As for the school colors, we employ dark brown and grey, which represent wood and stone respectively, the main material of the New Temple depicted in Ezekial Ch. 40-43.  Though plain and simple, yet with the presence of God, the Temple is filled with His glory (Eze 43:1-5).  May this be our prayer: “Pursue Holiness and Serve God Wholeheartedly!”

院訓   Seminary Motto


高舉基督 表揚主道

成為聖潔 合乎主用

Christ as our Head

Exalt Christ and Preach the Word!

Pursue Holiness and Serve God Wholeheartedly!